Consulting Services
Our Consulting sourcing experts use their knowledge, experience, and our unique Solutions to deliver on your goals, allowing you to focus on the critical decision points.
Our Consultants work with you to fully understand your needs and requirements, We draw on our deep experience, knowledge and unique IP to prepare a selection of approaches to strategic sourcing. We consider current and evolving market offerings and today’s Cloud and As A Service delivery models so as to provide you with approaches that reflect modern practices and which will be able to serve you well in the coming years.
Cherub uses our experience and knowledge to design, build and use our robust and proven Sourcing and Selection methodologies to assist our clients to source suppliers, technologies and IT services.
Transition is the process of a client transitioning from an incumbent supplier to a new supplier. In the case of complex services that are highly integrated into the client's business, the transition period can be extensive.
Cherub consultants are highly experienced in helping clients ensure that the transfer from one supplier to a new supplier is completed thoroughly and smoothly.
Managing your external contracts is essential to ensure you continue to gain maximum benefit from them. Cherub has extensive experience and IP to help clients establish effective Supplier management offices, evaluate existing suppliers, or put in place remediation plans to uplift performance outcomes.
We provide
Advisory support when you have specific questions
Consulting support to help you establish and improve your Supplier Management capabilities
Outsourcing support to augment your team with ongoing Supplier reporting, support and if required, remediation actions.